Saturday, October 5, 2013

৫ এস প্রয়োগ (Implementation of 5s)

01| evQvBKiY (Sort) t-

       (K) AcÖ‡qvRbxq e¯‘ ivLvi ¯’vb wbe©vPb/wba©viY Ki‡Z n‡e|
      (L) AcÖ‡qvRbxq e¯‘ evQvB Kibt-
           (L-01) IqvK©vi‡`i‡K wR‡Äm Ki‡Z n‡e †h, Zvi Kv‡Ri Rb¨ wK wK wRwbm `iKvi|
           (L-02) †hUv gv‡S gv‡S w`‡b `y-Pvievi `iKvi nq †mUvI AcÖ‡qvRbxq|
      (M) AcÖ‡qvRbxq mewKQy wbe©vwPZ/wba©vwiZ wbw`©ó ¯’v‡b ivL‡Z n‡e|

02| mvRv‡bv (Set in order)t-

      (K) IqvK©vi‡`i Kv‡Ri ¯’vb KZUzKz Zv wbw`©ó K‡i w`‡Z n‡e|
      (L) D³ Kv‡Ri ¯’v‡b †Kvb wRwbm †Kv_vq ivL‡Z n‡e Zv wbw`©ó K‡i w`‡Z n‡e Ges IqvK©vi‡`i
           Kv‡Ri ¯’v‡b GKwU Qwe ev Wªwqs _vK‡Z n‡e hvi gva¨‡g IqvK©viMb eyS‡Z cvi‡e †Kvb
           wRwbm †Kv_vq ivL‡Z n‡e|
      (M) †h wRwbm hZ †ewk e¨envi Ki‡e, H wRwbm ZZ †ekx Kuv‡Q ivL‡Z n‡e|
      (N) wRwbm¸wj Ggb ¯’v‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †hb Kv‡R myweav nq|
      (O) mycvifvBRvi/jvBbwPd& Gi Kv‡Ri ¯’vb cy‡ivjvBb, †m cy‡iv jvB‡b 5Gm Z`viwK Ki‡e|
      (P) BbPvR© Zvi †mKk‡bi mvwe©K `vwq‡Z¡ wb‡qvwRZ weavq †m mvwe©K fv‡e Zvi †mKk‡bi
           Z`viwK Ki‡e|
      (Q) mevB‡K Zv‡`i Kv‡Ri RvqMv KZUzKz Zv wPwb‡q w`‡Z n‡e|

03| cwi®‹vi-cwi”Qbœ Kiv (Shine)t-

      (K) cÖ‡Z¨K IqvK©vi Zvi Kv‡Ri ¯’vb cwi¯‹vi-cwi”Qbœ Ki‡e|
      (L) Kv‡iv Kv‡Ri ¯’vb wK¬bvi cwi¯‹vi Ki‡e bv, Kv‡iv Kv‡Ri ¯’vb bq Ggb ¯’vb wK¬bvi cwi®‹vi-
           cwi”Qbœ Ki‡e|
      (M) mycvifvBRvi/jvBb wPd/BbPvR© Zv‡`i Kv‡Ri ¯’vb †hb cwi®‹vi-cwi”Qbœ _v‡K Zv Z`viwK
      (N) cwi¯‹viK mvgMÖx mywbw`©ó K‡i w`‡Z n‡e, †Kvb wRwbm wK w`‡q /wK-fv‡e cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z n‡e|
04| Av`k© gvb`Û ˆZix Kiv (Standardization)t-

       (K) †Kvb wRwbm †Kv_vq _vK‡e Zv mywbw`©ó KiY|
       (L) ‡Kvb wRwbm wK w`‡q, w`‡b KZevi, †Kvb mgq, wK-fv‡e cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z n‡e Zv mywbw`©ó
            K‡i w`‡Z n‡e| KvRwU †K Ki‡e ZvnvI wbw`©ó K‡i w`‡Z n‡e|
       (M) G me wKQy KvM‡R wcÖ›U K‡i Kg©¯’‡j Uvbv‡bv|

05| gvb`Û a‡i ivLv (Sustain)t-

      5Gm Gi Z`viKx †K Ki‡e, KLb Ki‡e, w`‡b KZevi Ki‡e, wK wK Z`viKx Ki‡e Zv wba©viY 
      K‡i w`‡Z n‡e (†PKwjó ˆZix K‡i w`‡Z n‡e) Ges d‡jvAvc Ki‡Z n‡e|

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Brief History of LEAN Manufacturing

U.S. manufacturers have always searched for efficiency strategies that help reduce costs, improve output, establish competitive position, and increase market share. Early process oriented, mass production manufacturing methods common before World War II shifted afterward to the results-oriented, output-focused, production systems that control most of today's manufacturing businesses.
Japanese manufacturers re-building after the Second World War were facing declining human, material, and financial resources. The problems they faced in manufacturing were vastly different from their Western counterparts. These circumstances led to the development of new, lower cost, manufacturing practices. Early Japanese leaders such as the Toyota Motor Company's Eiji Toyoda, Taiichi Ohno, and Shingeo Shingo developed a disciplined, process-focused production system now known as the "Toyota Production System", or "lean production." The objective of this system was to minimize the consumption of resources that added no value to a product.
The "lean manufacturing" concept was popularized in American factories in large part by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology study of the movement from mass production toward production as described in The Machine That Changed the World, (Womack, Jones and Roos, 1990), which discussed the significant performance gap between Western and Japanese automotive industries. This book described the important elements accounting for superior performance as lean production. The term "lean" was used because Japanese business methods used less human effort, capital investment, floor space, materials, and time in all aspects of operations. The resulting competition among U.S. and Japanese automakers over the last 25 years has lead to the adoption of these principles within all U.S. manufacturing businesses.
Lean Manufacturing can be defined as:
"A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (non-value-added activities) through continuous improvement by flowing the product at the pull of the customer in pursuit of perfection."
In lean production, the value of a product is defined solely by the customer. The product must meet the customer's needs at both a specific time and price. The thousands of mundane and sophisticated things that manufacturers do to deliver a product are generally of little interest to customers. To view value from the eyes of the customer requires most companies to undergo comprehensive analysis of all their business processes. Identifying the value in lean production means to understand all the activities required to produce a specific product, and then to optimize the whole process from the view of the customer. This viewpoint is critically important because it helps identify activities that clearly add value, activities that add no value but cannot be avoided, and activities that add no value and can be avoided.
The transition to a lean environment does not occur overnight. A continuous improvement mentality is necessary to reach your company's goals. The term "continuous improvement" means incremental improvement of products, processes, or services over time, with the goal of reducing waste to improve workplace functionality, customer service, or product performance (Suzaki, 1987). Continuous improvement principles, as practiced by the most devoted manufacturers, result in astonishing improvements in performance that competitors find nearly impossible to achieve.
Lean production, applied correctly, results in the ability of an organization to learn. As in any organization, mistakes will always be made. However, mistakes are not usually repeated because this is a form of waste that the lean production philosophy and its methods seek to eliminate.
A lean manufacturing enterprise thinks more about its customers than it does about running machines fast to absorb labor and overhead. Ensuring customer input and feedback assures quality and customer satisfaction, all of which support sales.
The concept of perfection in lean production means that there are endless opportunities for improving the utilization of all types of assets. The systematic elimination of waste will reduce the costs of operating the extended enterprise and fulfills customer's desire for maximum value at the lowest price. While perfection may never be achieved, its pursuit is a goal worth striving for because it helps maintain constant vigilance against wasteful practices.
The aim of Lean Manufacturing is the elimination of waste in every area of production including customer relations, product design, supplier networks, and factory management. Its goal is to incorporate less human effort, less inventory, less time to develop products, and less space to become highly responsive to customer demand while producing top quality products in the most efficient and economical manner possible.
Essentially, a "waste" is anything that the customer is not willing to pay for. Typically the types of waste considered in a lean manufacturing system include:
Overproduction: to produce more than demanded or produce it before it is needed. It is visible as storage of material. It is the result of producing to speculative demand. Overproduction means making more than is required by the next process, making earlier than is required by the next process, or making faster than is required by the next process. Causes for overproduction waste include:
 Just-in-case logic.
 Misuse of automation.
 Long process setup.
 Unlevel scheduling.
 Unbalanced work load.
 Over engineered.
 Redundant inspections.
Waiting: for a machine to process should be eliminated. The principle is to maximize the utilization/efficiency of the worker instead of maximizing the utilization of the machines. Causes of waiting waste include:
 Unbalanced work load
 Unplanned maintenance
 Long process set-up times
 Misuses of automation
 Upstream quality problems
 Unlevel scheduling
Inventory or Work in Process (WIP): is material between operations due to large lot production or processes with long cycle times. Causes of excess inventory include:
 Protecting the company from inefficiencies and unexpected problems
 Product complexity
 Unleveled scheduling
 Poor market forecast
 Unbalanced workload
 Unreliable shipments by suppliers
 Misunderstood communications
 Reward systems
Processing waste: should be minimized by asking why a specific processing step is needed and why a specific product is produced. All unnecessary processing steps should be eliminated. Causes for processing waste include:
 Product changes without process changes
 Just-in-case logic
 True customer requirements undefined
 Over processing to accommodate downtime
 Lack of communications
 Redundant approvals
 Extra copies/excessive information
Transportation: does not add any value to the product. Instead of improving the transportation, it should be minimized or eliminated (e.g. forming cells). Causes of transportation waste include:
 Poor plant layout
 Poor understanding of the process flow for production
 Large batch sizes, long lead times, and large storage areas
Motion: of the workers, machines, and transport (e.g. due to the inappropriate location of tools and parts) is waste. Instead of automating wasted motion, the operation itself should be improved. Causes of motion waste include:
Poor people/machine effectiveness
 Inconsistent work methods
 Unfavorable facility or cell layout
 Poor workplace organization and housekeeping
 Extra "busy" movements while waiting
Making defective products: is pure waste. Prevent the occurrence of defects instead of finding and repairing defects. Causes of processing waste include:
 Weak process control
 Poor quality
 Unbalanced inventory level
 Deficient planned maintenance
 Inadequate education/training/work instructions
 Product design
 Customer needs not understood
Underutilizing people: not taking advantage of people's abilities. Causes of people waste include:
 Old guard thinking, politics, the business culture
 Poor hiring practices
 Low or no investment in training
 Low pay, high turnover strategy
Nearly every waste in the production process can fit into at least one of these categories. Those that understand the concept deeply view waste as the singular enemy that greatly limits business performance and threatens prosperity unless it is relentlessly eliminated over time. Lean manufacturing is an approach that eliminates waste by reducing costs in the overall production process, in operations within that process, and in the utilization of production labor. The focus is on making the entire process flow, not the improvement of one or more individual operations.

What is SMED?

1. Introduction
SMED is an abbreviation of Single Minute Exchange of Dies. It is a method to reduce set up time. This method was developed by Shigeo Shingo in Japan and was applied first in the automotive industry. At one time set up times became a big problem at the manufacturing of pressed car parts like doors, boot covers and so on. This meant a machine stop of about 24 hours when a press needed to be set up for the production of another part. By applying the SMED method the set up times were reduced to a few minutes. Nowadays the SMED method to reduce set up time is widely spread across the World and applied with success in different kinds of industry.
2. The goal
In the current market situation a company needs to respond quickly to customer demands to be able to compete with other manufacturers. Customers ask more and more for small lots. This means that the manufacturer needs to produce small series to satisfy this demand. This implies that more often the need exists to change set up of equipment, unfortunately with the production loss accompanied with it.
As stated in the introduction, the SMED method is a method to reduce set up time. By reducing the set up time the productivity of the equipment increases. This simply because of the shorter period the equipment is not producing products. This increased productivity can partially be used to change set up more frequently.
3. Definition of set up time
To avoid confusion about the meaning of set up time, the following definition is used:
Set up time = the time passed between the completion of the last product of the old series and the completion of the first good product of the new series.
During the set up actions are made in relation to:
ü  The change of tools,
ü  The adjusting of machine parts,
ü  The adjusting of machine- or process parameters,
ü  cleaning,
ü  etceteras.
The production loss during the start of the production is also part of the set up time. Except for the fact that the SMED method reduces the time losses, it also tries to search for an optimal set up of the machine and a way to avoid start up losses.
4. Who shortens the set up times with SMED?
In the centre of the SMED method are the people that deal directly with the machine the method is used upon. Primarily the knowledge the operators have obtained in time is used. Other departments that deal indirectly with the machine concerned assist these people, for example the Technical and the Engineering department. They assist the SMED-team if changes to parts of the machine need to be made or designed.
5. SMED, an overview
Figure 2 gives an overview of the SMED method in short. The method distinguishes three steps to reduce set up time.
5.1 The initial situation
In the worst case the initial situation is being characterized by unclear information at the working area, no standardization of settings or work methods, unprepared activities and no order around the machine as a result of which the necessary parts, tools or measurement equipment get lost easily.
5.2 Step 1
The preparations of the SMED route are important. All set up actions are recorded accurately with the aid of a video camera. All the actions from the operators during the set up are described accurately and the time taken for each action is measured.
Furthermore, in step 1 all these actions are being looked at critically if these actions are to be done during the production stop (on line), or if they can be prepared during production (off line). During this it is also determined if the action is actually necessary or if it can be avoided. While making the preparations think of putting ready the tools and exchanged parts. In this step a complete overview of all the tools that are used during the set up is also made.
5.3 Step 2
The next step in the SMED route beholds the search for ways to make off line actions from on line actions. It is possible that making small changes to the equipment or working method can make some actions obsolete.
5.4 Step 3
In the third and final step the on line actions that seemingly are unavoidable are being looked at closely. During this solutions, often very creative, are looked for to shorten the time elapsed during these actions. In step three focuses is mainly being paid to:
1. Fasteners
            Try to replace as many bolted connections by quicker alternatives. Bolted connections are mostly over dimensioned. There are cheap alternatives like snap fasteners with which the set up time can be reduced dramatically
2. Positioning aids: fixed positioners
            Often aids can be used to simplify actions. Think for example of fixed positioners to simplify the positioning of parts. Fixed positioners prevent endless adjusting
3. Standardization of tools    Simplicity first. That is why the use of different tools needs to be limited as much as possible. This lowers the risk of loss of tools and eases the operations. An example is the replacement of different types of bolts with a single type as a result of which only one spanner is needed
4. Working methods  Looking critically at the working methods can often save a lot of time. The starting-point is: First Time Right. This means that an action does not need to be repeated or corrected any more. Also, performing the actions parallel with more than one operator can save a lot of time. This may demand for a little organization, but the time saved determines if the necessary organization is worth the trouble

SMED- an overview

Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is one of the many methods for reducing waste in a manufacturing process. It provides a rapid and efficient way of converting a manufacturing process from running the current product to running the next product. This rapid changeover is key to reducing production lot sizes and thereby improving flow.
The phrase "single minute" does not mean that all changeovers and startups should take only one minute, but that they should take less than 10 minutes (in other words, "single-digit minute"). Closely associated is a yet more difficult concept, One-Touch Exchange of Die, (OTED), which says changeovers can and should take less than 100 seconds, is a tool used in manufacturing. However SMED's utility of is not limited to manufacturing.
The concept arose in the late 1950s and early 1960s, when Shigeo Shingo was consulting to a variety of companies including Toyota, and was contemplating their inability to eliminate bottlenecks at car body-molding presses. The bottlenecks were caused by long tool changeover times which drove up production lot sizes. The economic lot size is calculated from the ratio of actual production time and the 'change-over' time; which is the time taken to stop production of a product and start production of the same, or another, product. If change-over takes a long time then the lost production due to change-over’s drives up the cost of the actual production itself. This can be seen from the table below where the change-over and processing time per unit are held constant whilst the lot size is changed. The Operation time is the unit processing time with the overhead of the change-over included. The Ratio is the percentage increase in effective operating time caused by the change-over. SMED is the key to manufacturing flexibility.
Changeover time       Lot size           Process time per item            Operation time                Ratio
8 hours                                  100                         1 min                                   5.8 min                         480%
8 hours                                  1,000                      1 min                                 1.48 min                          48%
8 hours                                  10,000                    1 min                                 1.048 min                        5%
Toyota's additional problem was that land costs in Japan are very high and therefore it was very expensive to store its vehicles. The result was that its costs were higher than other producers because it had to produce vehicles in uneconomic lots.
The "economic lot size" (or EOQ) is a well-known, and heavily debated, manufacturing concept. Historically, the overhead costs of retooling a process were minimized by maximizing the number of items that the process should construct before changing to another model. This makes the change-over overhead per manufactured unit low. According to some sources optimum lot size occurs when the interest costs of storing the lot size of items equals the value lost when the production line is shut down. The difference, for Toyota, was that the economic lot size calculation included high overhead costs to pay for the land to store the vehicles. Engineer Shingo could do nothing about the interest rate, but he had total control of the factory processes. If the change-over costs could be reduced, then the economic lot size could be reduced, directly reducing expenses. Indeed the whole debate over EOQ becomes restructured if still relevant. It should also be noted that large lot sizes require higher stock levels to be kept in the rest of the process and these, more hidden costs, are also reduced by the smaller lot sizes made possible by SMED.
Over a period of several years, Toyota reworked factory fixtures and vehicle components to maximize their common parts, minimize and standardize assembly tools and steps, and utilize common tooling. These common parts or tooling reduced change-over time. Wherever the tooling could not be common, steps were taken to make the tooling quick to change.
Toyota found that the most difficult tools to change were the dies on the large transfer-stamping machines that produce car vehicle bodies. The dies – which must be changed for each model – weigh many tons, and must be assembled in the stamping machines with tolerances of less than a millimeter; otherwise the stamped metal will wrinkle, if not melt, under the intense heat and pressure.
When Toyota engineers examined the change-over, they discovered that the established procedure was to stop the line, let down the dies by an overhead crane, position the dies in the machine by human eyesight, and then adjust their position with crowbars while making individual test stampings. The existing process took from twelve hours to almost three days to complete.
Toyota's first improvement was to place precision measurement devices on the transfer stamping machines, and record the necessary measurements for each model's die. Installing the die against these measurements, rather than by human eyesight, immediately cut the change-over to a mere hour and a half.
Further observations led to further improvements – scheduling the die changes in a standard sequence (as part of FRS) as a new model moved through the factory, dedicating tools to the die-change process so that all needed tools were nearby, and scheduling use of the overhead cranes so that the new die would be waiting as the old die was removed. Using these processes, Toyota engineers cut the change-over time to less than 10 minutes per die, and thereby reduced the economic lot size below one vehicle.
The success of this program contributed directly to just-in-time manufacturing which is part of the Toyota Production System. SMED makes Load balancing much more achievable by reducing economic lot size and thus stock levels.
Effects of implementation
Shigeo Shingo, who created the SMED approach, claims that in his data from between 1975 and 1985 that average setup times he has dealt with have reduced to 2.5% of the time originally required; a 40 times improvement.
However, the power of SMED is that it has a lot of other effects which come from systematically looking at operations; these include:
Stockless production which drives inventory turnover rates,
Reduction in footprint of processes with reduced inventory freeing floor space
Productivity increases or reduced production time
Increased machine work rates from reduced setup times even if number of changeovers increases
Elimination of setup errors and elimination of trial runs reduces defect rates
Improved quality from fully regulated operating conditions in advance
Increased safety from simpler setups
Simplified housekeeping from fewer tools and better organization
Lower expense of setups
Operator preferred since easier to achieve
Lower skill requirements since changes are now designed into the process rather than a matter of skilled judgment
Elimination of unusable stock from model changeovers and demand estimate errors
Goods are not lost through deterioration
Ability to mix production gives flexibility and further inventory reductions as well as opening the door to revolutionized production methods (large orders ≠ large production lot sizes)
New attitudes on controllability of work process amongst staff
Shigeo Shingo recognizes eight techniques that should be considered in implementing SMED.
   1. Separate internal from external setup operations
   2. Convert internal to external setup
   3. Standardize function, not shape
   4. Use functional clamps or eliminate fasteners altogether
   5. Use intermediate jigs
   6. Adopt parallel operations
   7. Eliminate adjustments
   8. Mechanization
NB: External setup can be done without the line being stopped whereas internal setup requires that the line be stopped.
He suggests that SMED improvement should pass through four conceptual stages:
A) Ensure that external setup actions are performed while the machine is still running,
B) Separate external and internal setup actions, ensure that the parts all function and implement efficient ways of transporting the die and other parts,
C) Convert internal setup actions to external,
D) Improve all setup actions.
Formal method
There are seven basic steps to reducing changeover using the SMED system:
   1. OBSERVE the current methodology (A)
   2. Separate the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL activities (B). Internal activities are those that can only be performed when the process is stopped, while External activities can be done while the last batch is being produced, or once the next batch has started. For example, go and get the required tools for the job BEFORE the machine stops.
   3. Convert (where possible) Internal activities into External ones (C) (pre-heating of tools is a good example of this).
   4. Streamline the remaining internal activities, by simplifying them (D). Focus on fixings - Shigeo Shingo observed that it's only the last turn of a bolt that tightens it - the rest is just movement.
   5. Streamline the External activities, so that they are of a similar scale to the Internal ones (D).
   6. Document the new procedure, and actions that are yet to be completed.
   7. Do it all again: For each iteration of the above process, a 45% improvement in set-up times should be expected, so it may take several iterations to cross the ten-minute line.
This diagram shows four successive runs with learning from each run and improvements applied before the next.
Run 1 illustrates the original situation.
Run 2 shows what would happen if more changeovers were included.
Run 3 shows the impact of the improvements in changeover times that come from doing more of them and building learning into their execution.
Run 4 shows how these improvements can get you back to the same production time but now with more flexibility in production capacity.
Run N (not illustrated) would have changeovers that take 1.5 minutes (97% reduction) and whole shift time reduced from 420 minutes to 368 minutes a productivity improvement of 12%.
The SMED concept is credited to Shigeo Shingo, one of the main contributors to the consolidation of the Toyota Production System, along with Taiichi Ohno.
Key elements to observe
      Operation                                                                                                Proportion of time
Preparation, after-process adjustment, and checking
             raw materials, blades, die, jigs, gauges, etc.                                         30%
Mounting and removing blades, etc.                                                                5%
Centering, dimensioning and setting of conditions                                             15%
Trial runs and adjustments                                                                                 50%
Look for:
   1. Shortages, mistakes, inadequate verification of equipment causing delays and can be avoided by check tables, especially visual ones, and setup on an intermediary jig
   2. Inadequate or incomplete repairs to equipment causing rework and delays
   3. Optimization for least work as opposed to least delay
   4. Unheated molds which require several wasted 'tests' before they will be at the temperature to work
   5. Using slow precise adjustment equipment for the large coarse part of adjustment
   6. Lack of visual lines or benchmarks for part placement on the equipment
   7. Forcing a changeover between different raw materials when a continuous feed, or near equivalent, is possible
   8. Lack of functional standardization that is standardization of only the parts necessary for setup e.g. all bolts use same size spanner, die grip points are in the same place on all dies
   9. Much operator movement around the equipment during setup
  10. More attachment points than actually required for the forces to be constrained
  11. Attachment points that take more than one turn to fasten
  12. Any adjustments after initial setup
  13. Any use of experts during setup
  14. Any adjustments of assisting tools such as guides or switches